Use of Hill-Mandel feature
FEAP contains code to compute Hill-Mandel averages. To use the feature you need a periodic RVE mesh (matching nodes on opposing faces). The corner nodes should have boundary code 1 for all degrees of freedom.
Options for boundary conditions
To set Dirchlet boundary conditions on the faces of the RVE, simply set the boundary codes to 1 for all face nodes.
For periodic boundary conditions, use the ELINK command to force the solution to be the same on opposing faces of the mesh; see the example below.
Setting the average strain in the RVE
Single average strain
If you have just one average strain to compute or wish to compute a radial path in strain space then you can specify the strain in the mesh input using the PERIodic data command (note this does not mean that the boundary conditions are necessarily periodic). The input is a 3x3 matrix which is the displacement gradient or the small strain tensor, respectively for finite- and small-deformation problems; see the manual. If you define a proportional load you can explore a radial path in the direction of the given tensor.
Complex path
Alternately you can place the tensors in a file. One line per average strain you wish to impose. The formation is time-value followed by the tensor components of the displacement gradient or the small strain tensor, respectively for finite- and small-deformation problems. Note that for small strain tensors the shears should be given as engineering shear strains. For finite strains the ordering is , for small strains the ordering is . The command HILL,READ is used to have FEAP read the next line in the file.
Here is a sample input file which has a 3 material microstructure that first pulled in the 1-direction, followed by an oscillating shear.
feap ** Example Hill-Mandel Homogenization ** 0 0 0 2 2 9 ! Use nine node quadratic elements parameter f = 4 ! Mesh density d = f*2 ! Nodes per block L = 1 ! Edge dimension material 1 solid elastic isotropic 1000 0.25 plastic mises 1.5 mixed ! Use mixed for plasticity problems (Q2P1) hist plot 1 1 ! Put ebarp in slot 1 for plotting material 2 solid elastic isotropic 5000 0.15 plastic mises 3.75 mixed hist plot 1 1 material 3 solid elastic isotropic 2500 0.3 plastic mises 2.0 mixed hist plot 1 1 block cart d d quad 9 material 1 1 L L 2 2*L L 3 2*L 2*L 4 L 2*L block cart d 3*d quad 9 material 2 1 0 0 2 L 0 3 L 3*L 4 0 3*L block cart d 3*d quad 9 material 2 1 2*L 0 2 3*L 0 3 3*L 3*L 4 2*L 3*L block cart d d quad 9 material 2 1 L 0 2 2*L 0 3 2*L L 4 L L block cart d d quad 9 material 3 1 L 2*L 2 2*L 2*L 3 2*L 3*L 4 L 3*L periodic cauchy file loading.txt ! File with eps_avg(t) ! per line t e11 e22 e33 2e12 2e23 2e31 cboun ! Dirichlet BC for the corner nodes node 0 0 1 1 node 3*L 0 1 1 node 3*L 3*L 1 1 node 0 3*L 1 1 end tie ! Tie the blocks together elink ! Link the motion on the edges 1 0 3*L 0 0 2 0 3*L 0 0 batch loop,,40 ! There are 40 eps_avg in the file time ! Advance the time (updates history variables) hill read ! Read the next eps_avg loop,,20 tang,,1 ! Form and solve next plot,wipe ! Wipe the plot plot,defo,.5e3 ! Magnify the deformation plot,hist,1,,1 ! Plot ebarp without the mesh hill ! Compute Hill-Mandel stress and tangent, next ! output goes to Ohill-ex end inte stop
The contents of loading.txt are 0.1 0.00008 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.00016 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.00024 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.00032 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.0004 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0.00048 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0.00056 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 0.00064 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0.00072 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.0008 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 0.0008 0 0 0.00007 0 0 1.2 0.0008 0 0 0.00014 0 0 1.3 0.0008 0 0 0.00021 0 0 1.4 0.0008 0 0 0.00028 0 0 1.5 0.0008 0 0 0.00035 0 0 1.6 0.0008 0 0 0.00042 0 0 1.7 0.0008 0 0 0.00049 0 0 1.8 0.0008 0 0 0.00056 0 0 1.9 0.0008 0 0 0.00063 0 0 2 0.0008 0 0 0.0007 0 0 2.1 0.0008 0 0 0.00063 0 0 2.2 0.0008 0 0 0.00056 0 0 2.3 0.0008 0 0 0.00049 0 0 2.4 0.0008 0 0 0.00042 0 0 2.5 0.0008 0 0 0.00035 0 0 2.6 0.0008 0 0 0.00028 0 0 2.7 0.0008 0 0 0.00021 0 0 2.8 0.0008 0 0 0.00014 0 0 2.9 0.0008 0 0 0.00007 0 0 3 0.0008 0 0 -9.32E-15 0 0 3.1 0.0008 0 0 -0.00007 0 0 3.2 0.0008 0 0 -0.00014 0 0 3.3 0.0008 0 0 -0.00021 0 0 3.4 0.0008 0 0 -0.00028 0 0 3.5 0.0008 0 0 -0.00035 0 0 3.6 0.0008 0 0 -0.00042 0 0 3.7 0.0008 0 0 -0.00049 0 0 3.8 0.0008 0 0 -0.00056 0 0 3.9 0.0008 0 0 -0.00063 0 0 4 0.0008 0 0 -0.0007 0 0